Posts tagged with GraphQL

Featured image for "Uploading files with Spring and GraphQL"

Uploading files with Spring and GraphQL

In this tutorial I'll cover how you can upload files using Spring boot and GraphQL.

Featured image for "Creating your own nodes with Gatsby"

Creating your own nodes with Gatsby

So far, we’ve seen how to use WordPress, Craft CMS and JSON data with Gatsby, but what if you want to use other data with Gatsby, which isn…

Featured image for "Securing your GraphQL API with Spring Security"

Securing your GraphQL API with Spring Security

In this tutorial, I'll show how you can use Spring Security with Spring boot and GraphQL.

Featured image for "Working with Gatsby and Craft CMS"

Working with Gatsby and Craft CMS

In this tutorial I'll build a blazing-fast static website with Gatsby on top of a Craft CMS blog.

Featured image for "Using JSON with Gatsby"

Using JSON with Gatsby

Earlier, we've seen how we can use the gatsby-source-wordpress plugin to retrieve blog posts using the WordPress API. In this tutorial, we'll explore another possible source of information that Gatsby can use, such as JSON.

Featured image for "Adding syntax highlighting with WordPress and Gatsby"

Adding syntax highlighting with WordPress and Gatsby

For Markdown, there are plugins to add syntax highlighting to your Gatsbby website. In this tutorial we'll explore the alternatives for adding syntax highlighting through WordPress.

Featured image for "Optimize loading images with WordPress and Gatsby"

Optimize loading images with WordPress and Gatsby

Displaying embedded images within WordPress posts using Gatsby is officially unsupported, but in this tutorial we'll explore alternatives.

Featured image for "Adding reading time with Gatsby"

Adding reading time with Gatsby

Popular online blogging platforms like Medium add an estimated reading time to each post. In this tutorial we'll achieve the same thing by using Gatsby.

Featured image for "Working with Gatsby and pagination"

Working with Gatsby and pagination

Gatsby is an awesome static site generator, and in this tutorial I'll look at how to implement pagination using Gatsby.

Featured image for "Creating pages with Gatsby"

Creating pages with Gatsby

Gatsby has a large set of APIs, and one of them is to programmatically create new pages. In this tutorial we'll use this API to create detail pages for each blogpost.